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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:li145533 更新时间:2014-06-19
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摘 要:网络计划技术是现代管理科学总结出的科学的、有效的项目管理方法,已经被广泛的应用于工程项目的项目管理中。网络计划技术在施工作业过程中形成一个有机的整体,综合地反映各项工作之间的相互作用和相互依存的关系,是项目管理中最科学、先进、有效的技术方法。本文基于网络的规划理论和方法的研究,并根据网络计划技术需求的特点,以晟地润园小区配套工程为研究对象,对项目的进度和资源状况进行深入分析,找出关键路径网络的运行图,应用“最低成本加快法”,对关键路径进行进度调整和优化工作,将247天的计算工期优化到230天,达到工程进度的要求,优化项目工期和资源。网络计划技术能有效地缩短施工工期,创造一定的经济效益,对提高建设项目管理水平具有十分重要的意义。

关键词 网络计划技术;项目管理;配套工程


Abstract:Network planning technique is effective project management methods of modern management science, the science, project management has been widely applied in the project of.Network planning technique to form an organic whole in the construction work process, reflect the interaction between various jobs and interdependent relationship, in project management is the most scientific, advanced, effective technical method.This paper study on planning theory and method based on network, and according to the characteristics of the demand of network planning technique, with Sheng Garden supporting project as the research object, carries on the thorough analysis to the project schedule and resource conditions, operation diagram to identify the critical path network, use of "the low cost, speed up the law" to adjust the schedule and optimization of the critical path, will calculate the duration of 247 days to 230 days, reaching the requirements of project progress, project duration and resource optimization.Network plan technique can effectively shorten the construction period, to create a certain economic benefits, has very important significance to improve the level of management of construction project.

Keywords  network plan technology  project management  supporting project

上传会员 li145533 对本文的描述:施工项目管理的问题是研究的热点和重点,在管理经济学和建筑经济学领域中,网络计划技术是一种先进的、最有效的、科学的管理方法。这个项目的管理方法,在建筑工程施工管理中......
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