
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-29
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Abstract:Since reform and opening up, the professional secretary had developed deeply and rapidly in China, the secretary work has been toward specialization, standardization and institutionalization of transformation. And government agencies, the secretary of the professional has more important status and role. , secretary general of the government authorities need to assist the government leadership in daily work, a good government secretary and leadership is very important for the government, he not only can help leaders to deal with the daily affairs, and leadership in life and a good helper in social and important staff. Government secretary-general of officialdom in China is a very special role in the structure, is an undertaking type character, which forms a connecting link between the preceding is to "housekeeper", is for a "leadership". The secretary-general trilogy of Hong Fang is a very classic officialdom novels, the book, from the perspective of Cheng Yilu,secretary general of the image about the role government secretary general has carried on the detailed description. This article starts with the secretary-general of the trilogy of Hong Fang, from the perspective of secretarial science analysis of secretary general character in the book, to better understand the role of the secretary of the professional art and government bring us secretary personnel.

Key words:Secretary-general ; character art ; secretary

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:目前对于政府秘书的研究分析还比较少,无论是理论研究还是实践研究都存在一定空白,因此,对于该课题的研究具备一定的理论研究和实践研究价值。洪放的《秘书长》三部曲是非常......
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