
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:保险经纪 经济市场 诚信问题


Abstract:A developed insurance market cannot do without mature insurance brokerage market.With the rapid development of our economy and insurance market opening to the outside world,The insurance market competition is fierce day by day,This means that the insurance brokerage industry in our country, as well as other insurance intermediary industry must go, comprehensive, rapid growth,China's insurance industry to promote the healthy and orderly development.In this paper, firstly the related theory of the insurance brokerage market were summarized,Then a detailed analysis of the current situation of the insurance brokerage market in China and the existing problems.In view of the existing problems of specific proposed a sound insurance brokers personnel management system and standardize the system of insurance market advice.

Key words: insurance broker  market economy  problem of honesty

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:保险经纪人的产生,最初也就是为了解决此信息不对称造成的市场失灵,保险经纪人基于投保人的利益,利用自己的专业知识和技术,为保险人与投保人双方的信息沟通搭建桥梁,一定程度上降......
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