
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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关键词:资本结构  财务杠杆  偿付能力  保险公司


Abstract:Nature of the insurance company's high debt, making the insurance company's capital structure and other industries have a quite big difference. And the insurance company capital structure analysis is quite important. This is because the insurance company ,especially life insurance companies must be run for a long time, if insurance companies on the capital structure has a problem, is not only facing bankruptcy of the company. Once there was a problem in an insurance company capital structure, followed by a sufficient capital problem, the problem of insufficient solvency will probably cause social unrest. In this paper, by analyzing the capital structure of China life insurance co., LTD., to discuss the change of its assets and liabilities structure, the influence factors of financial leverage to understand domestic insurance really have enough solvency of listed companies, and capital structure optimization in the future was put forward the corresponding countermeasures and methods.

Key words:capital structure  financial leverage  solvency    the insurance company

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:由于大环境的影响,金融市场在我国起步是很晚的,与之相对应的是对资本结构也才刚刚开始,因此一开始我许多国企业对于其自身的资本结构并没有花很多的精力,而更多的企业甚至......
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