
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-06
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关键词:当当网  物流配送  客户满意度  问题  对策


Abstract: As technology progresses, the network has become indispensable in our daily life an integral part of its popularity but also promoted a new way of shopping--the rise of Internet shopping trends.Online shopping is convenient, affordable features, favored by many consumers, faced with such a large group of consumers, commercial enterprise conceived and born.Dangdang primary e-commerce business as book sales in China, which to a certain extent, represent the industry's development.Dangdang is currently the logistics supply model is mainly achieved through cooperation with third-party vendors, such logistics can enable enterprises to save cost in logistics and distribution processes, but also the inevitable existence of certain problems.Discussed in this paper is in this mode of logistics and distribution links customer satisfaction issues, using chart analysis for, inter alia, to analyse its link, there are some problems in logistics and distribution, and through specific analysis of those issues came to the conclusion that dangdang feasible suggestions for improvement 

Key world: Dangdang.com Logistics Distribution  Customer satisfaction  Question  Measures

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:如果企业能够把物流配送环节当成事一种资源加以有效的利用,将物流相关的成本看作是一种生产要素在时间以及空间上来加以多做些努力的话, 就可能利用这种资源来争取客户,达到促进......
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