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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-06
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关键词:物流  传统物流  电子商务  社区物流


Abstract: With rapid development of internet,B2C is providing an easy access for customers to going shopping without even going out of the home.This way of feeding people's needs is becoming more and more attractive.There are 3 main factors that influence customers to make their own choices while shopping,which are goods price,quality and logistics,the price and quality are adjustable factors,by comparison logistics is uncontrollable,so it can raise a problem related to the business efficiency of theB2C enterprises which is the key process of the trade.Therefore how to improve the logistics matters a lot for KingDong.This article will take KingDong for an example and analyses the issues KingDong has such as high error rate and damaged goods rate so on which have brought a lot of trouble.Finally I will come up with some counter plans and advice for fixing these problems.

Key words: Logistics Traditional logistics Electronic commerce Community logistics

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:分析物流的现状和未来的发展趋势。然后以京东物流为案例,分析根据京东实际情况,找出京东现有的问题,摸索出适合自身发展的物流配送模式,本文将提出对应的建议,希望突破物......
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