
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:互联网金融 网络理财产品 风险与收益


Abstract:Internet wealth-management is personal financial investment on Internet. Since twentieth Century the birth of the Internet technology in the USA, information technology based on the Internet has become the most important technology in this era. Rapid development of Internet banking makes the Internet wealth-management become a popular way. The purchase of financial products, the Internet financial mode from the traditional bank financial products in the purchase limit of time and place, wherever there is Internet , investors can check online at any time about the financial information, finding financial products they interested in, which makes the information gathering process faster and more efficient. This paper is a research of financial products under the Internet financial mode, with analysis of the return and risk characteristics. In the aspect of return, we think, because higher income financial products Internet financial mode has three points: one is the high yield spreads across the market operation brings; two is the recent shortage of liquidity in the banking system caused interest rates rise; three is the funds are not included in the deposit reserve management by supervision dividend. In terms of risk, the Internet financial mode of the financial products have four main risks, they are policy risk, security risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. When analyzing Interest rate risk we introduced the earlier Internet financial mode of financial products in America -- the Paypal Monetary Fund,about why it finally closed and also the interest rate risk of Internet wealth management products in China. The rise of Internet wealth management products caused certain effect on commercial banks. The impact is mainly reflected in a certain impact on bank deposits, financial products and the fund distribution business, but is too large for the short-term impact will not be commercial banks, long-term effect needs further observation. Finally, the paper argues that Internet wealth management products will continue to exist, but the return-rate will fall gradually, and will face more stringent financial supervision.

Key words:Internet Financial  Internet Wealth Management Products  Risk And Return

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:作为我国互联网金融模式下理财产品的领军人物——余额宝,一经推出就引发业内人士和群众的热议。一些业内人士认为余额宝的做法推高了资金成本,对实体经济的发展并无多大作用......
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