
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:征信立法 个人信用信息 隐私权


Abstract: With the 2013 "credit management regulations" promulgated, the legislation of China's credit industry, but the "Regulations" credit management is a macro level management, at the present stage of China's personal credit legislation still has some shortcomings. Legislation is not comprehensive to the effective implementation of the law cannot, personal information not publicly coordination and protection, and the lack of relief system, leading to consumer privacy during the development of our credit rating industry have not been adequately protected. This paper combined with the status quo of domestic and foreign experience of personal credit legislation strictly on all aspects of the credit process of refinement, in the legislative level, the personal credit information protection, clear personal credit obligations and improve the disciplinary mechanism and other aspects of the proposal. At present, China's credit legislation has made some achievements, but still should continue to scientific and reasonable to improve the relevant legislation in personal credit, that consumer privacy be really protected, promote the credit system and the credit industry development.

Keywords: Credit legislation  Personal credit information  Rights of privacy

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:近年来,各种电信诈骗案不断见诸媒体报端,金融机构开始张贴提醒布告,对提及个人信息的汇款要求加强警惕。为什么我们的身份信息会泄露并被不法分子所利用?这引发了大众对个......
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