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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:利率市场化改革 定价机制 逆向选择 机遇与挑战


Abstract:At present, China's market-oriented interest rate reform has proceeded to completely liberalize lending rate limit, the next step is to release the deposit interest rate cap at this stage. Interest rate reform is like a double edged sword, both opportunities to commercial banks, but also a challenge. It has the most direct impact on the commercial banks is to change the way the interest rate decision, the interest rate decision by the central bank to the market, making the commercial banks and other financial institutions have the right to decide on interest rates, which will undoubtedly intensify competition in the market and interest rate risk, the traditional business of commercial banks caused the impact, but also for commercial banks to deposit spreads as the main source of profits caused by the impact of the profit model. On the other hand, it also gives commercial banks unprecedented transformation of the opportunity to promote the commercial banks to establish a scientific and reasonable interest rate pricing mechanism, improve internal risk prevention system, develop intermediary business and balance sheet business, to carry out innovative financial instruments, so that the operation of commercial banks more in line with the trend of modern economic development, and take the road of scientific and rational development of the long-term.

Key words:interest rate reform  pricing mechanisms  adverse selection  opportunities and challenges

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:利率市场化改革改变了由中央银行决定利率水平的模式,直接影响到了商业银行的存贷款利率水平,对商业银行的资产负债结构也产生了影响;同时,利率市场化改革势必冲击商业银行......
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