
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:财务分析 征信财务分析 解读 对比 异同点  


Abstract: Financial analysis is very important in finance industry, and also very important in all industries, through financial analysis, we can see a company in the past and present operating conditions, can also be the Forecast Ltd's future development, are essential for the government, company, industry, investment and so on, but when it comes to financial analysis of enterprise credit though, including financial analysis, does not separate out financial analysis of enterprise credit, that is to say that financial analysis, financial analysis of enterprise credit in the ordinary and not what is different, so in the end there is no different? The listing Corporation's financial analysis and financial analysis of enterprise credit from the definition, purpose, steps, contents, methods, results and other aspects of the comparison, whether there are differences, this is the purpose of this thesis.

Key words: Financial analysis  The credit of financial analysis  Interpretation  Contrast  Similarities and differences

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:在分析决策中占有重要的地位,但由于投资者能获得的财务信息以上市公司财务报表为主,报表反映的内容又具有很强的专业性和高度的概括性,要对公司财务状况做出直观地评价就需......
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