
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:信息不对称 信用卡发展 信用卡风险 规避方法


Abstract:As the fast development of credit card business in China, credit card risk is increasing sharply. And how to how to manage and control the risk effectively, has become key concern of bank. The credit card risk comes from both the inner risk of virtual economy and the efficiency of the business mode and regulations. The former mainly comes from the information asymmetry. Under the condition of asymmetric information, bank credit card business has produced many negative effects, by analyzing the current credit card business in China, its character and the risk’s foundation, I am supposed to give some suggestions about strengthening the credit risk management so as to reduce the credit card business risk and the risk of bank assets and improve the financial market efficiency, while the Chinese financial market can keep developing steadily and rapidly. The research for the present circumstance of our country commercial bank credit card business risk control, maintain the stability of the credit card profits and ensure smooth running of the bank.

Key words: Information asymmetry Development of a credit card credit card risk Measures to decrease the risk of credit cards

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:目前,在我国信用卡发卡量“井喷状”增长的背后,已经出现了因信息严重的不对称而导致的“道德风险”和“逆向选择”问题,金融市场的运作效率下降、借贷成本持续上升和银行的......
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