
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:国际货物多式联运 国际货物多式联运经营人 责任制度 归责原则


ABSTRACT:Multimodal transportation is the main way of international transportation of goods. This paper introduces the definition of the international multimodal transport of goods, the main duty of the International Multimodal Transport of Goods, the responsibility system of the international multimodal transport operators, the principle to determine the responsibility of the international multimodal transport operator, the Criterion of International multimodal transport operator and the liability limitation of the operator. Finally analyses of the status of the legal system, summarizes the drawbacks of the legal system, and make some suggestions to improve the international multimodal transport operator duty system in our country. Uniform accountability Amendment should be used in the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator. Uniform accountability is the development trend of the responsibility of the international multimodal transport operator system. Council should consider our country the next step with international practice. 

Keywords:Multimodal Transportation;Multimodal Transport Operator;Liability system; Liability principles

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:国际货物多式联运模式给货物买卖双方带来了很多的便利,但是由于货物运输的过程中有多个主体参与,所以这就涉及到责任主体的认定,其实在国际货物多式联运中,对责任主体的认......
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