
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:电子商务 民营快递业 配送策略


ABSTRACT:Rapid development of electronic commerce makes the express delivery industry began to enter ordinary consumers consumption platform, but the Courier industry development was restricted, by gradually appear the disadvantages of private express delivery industry is a main part, as the industry in developing will meet more problem. And today's express delivery industry is the main problem is the unreasonable distribution strategy. With specific companies as objects, through comparing the concrete practice of leading companies both at home and abroad on the company's express distribution development policy recommendations, feasible distribution optimization strategy.

   So in this paper, on the base of the current development of private express delivery industry for Y company in logistics distribution problems in the investigation and analysis, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem. Purpose is to make the company in the increasingly fierce industry competition can know their own weaknesses and environmental threat, make full use of their own advantages and opportunities, formed its own unique business model, reduce logistics cost, optimize the distribution mechanism, to provide customers with quality service, consolidate and improve the industry status, realize the sustainable development of society, customers and enterprises. 

Keywords:electronic commerce;private express delivery industry;distribution strategy

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:研究本课题的意义是通过对Y公司的物流配送的分析,找出Y公司的物流配送在现阶段发展过程的不足,将“配”和“送”有机结合,为实现成本和效率最优原则,针对性的提出改良对策和......
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