
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:重庆港口物流  现状  战略对策


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of international economic integration, river ports is more and more obvious in the role of logistics in China . The port logistics has always been an integral part of the modern logistics industry chain. The distribution, warehousing, transportation and other services have assisted the development of many industries. It could also contribute to the development of regional economic and optimization of regional industrial structure, Increase the proportion of tertiary industry in the regional economy, And can also promote the coordinated development of other industries to enhance the international competitiveness of the region. This paper aims to understand the development of the major domestic and international port logistics, and explore the Chongqing Port Logistics, Analysis the advantages and problems of Chongqing Port Logistics, And proposed the strategies and responses to development the Port Logistics of Chongqing.

Keywords:Chongqing Port Logistics; Present situation; counter-measures

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:内河港口物流业的健康、可持续发展越来越重要,其对带动区域经济的发展和优化区域产业结构、提高第三产业在区域经济中的比重起到了至关重要的作用。新时期下我国内河港口物流......
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