
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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   After nearly 60 years of development, Yunnan has become the country's largest coffee bean production and export base. Yunnan Arabica Coffee recognized by experts because of its unique quality and excellent character, and Yunnan Arabica Coffee is renowned at home and abroad, meanwhile coffee industry is in constant development. But in the long term, Yunnan coffee industry still stay in the initial stage: on the one hand, the coffee industry development in Yunnan is fluenced by the influence of fluctuating international market prices and manipulation of large international companies. Generally the coffee industry development in Yunnan do not form a pattern of industrial development, do not cast away the situation on raw materials base and early production. On the other hand, the coffee industry in Yunnan have some problems, such as industrial scale is small, process technology and equipment is backward, quality and safety standard system is imperfect, industrial chain is short, added value is low, market cultivation is lack, competitiveness is not strong, strong leading enterprises is lack and so on, which seriously influences and restricts the coffee industry's high quality, high yield and efficient target realization.At present, in China's coffee consumer market, Nestle and Maxwell House and other international brands have occupied half of the country of instant coffee, Starbucks with its famous coffee also break in full fury. As the coffee industry insider said, both today Starbucks and in the internationally renowned enterprises such as Nestle open up raw materials base in Yunnan, not just because Yunnan Arabica Coffee has Columbia" soft coffee" trait and the coffee market in Yunnan, it is more that they tend to value Chinese coffee market which has an average 15% of coffee consumption potentiality. This article through analyzing Yunnan Arabica Coffee development present situation and existing problems, consolidates suggestions so as to accelerate Yunnan Arabica Coffee development.

Keywords:Yunnan Arabica coffee; industry; development; countermeasures


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:云南咖啡产业仍属起步阶段:一方面,云南咖啡产业发展受国际市场价格起伏波动的影响和国际大公司的操控,总体上未形成产业发展化格局,未能摆脱原料基地、初制品生产的状况;......
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