
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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 Along with the development of Yunnan economy and social specialization increasingly, the logistics for enterprises becomes more and more obvious, as social enterprises an important part of the economic structure, strengthen oneself construction of logistics information to their survival and development plays a vital role in According to the Yunnan Province Logistics Research Association, Yunnan Province logistics service enterprises in only 34% of the enterprise logistics information system, most of the logistics service enterprise to still do not have to use modern information technology logistics information capabilities. The backward application of logistics information system in Yunnan province has become a bottleneck in the further development of enterprise logistics. Yunnan Province logistics enterprises how to break through the bottleneck of development, enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises in Yunnan province to become the enterprise logistics informatization problem. In this paper, Yunnan province enterprise logistics informationization development present situation and the existence question, from the Yunnan provincial economic development situation and the special geographical position as well as from the international experience to explore aspects of research, science of Yunnan province enterprise physical distribution informationization and put forward feasible to solve the related problem of the strategy.

Keywords:Yunnan Province enterprise ; Logistics information; current situation and strategies


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:本文就云南省企业物流信息化发展的现状及存在的问题,从云南省经济发展状况和特殊的地理位置以及从国际经验方面来探讨研究,科学的为云南省企业物流信息化提出可行的解决相关问......
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