
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-26
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   In this paper, the problems in the current financial statements are mainly researched; the major objective is approaching how to perfect the problems and to enhance the quality of financial statements. Not only to protect the interests of policymakers, to make the financial statements fully show the business situation of enterprises, The train of thought of this paper is chiefly asking questions, analyzing problems, as well as  researching solutions.

   Everything is in developing, as the “gatekeeper” of the accounting; financial statements also need growing with the times. Especially in today’s environment that economy expanding by leaps and bounds with the development of technology. Therefore, deficient in the current financial statements is inevitable rather than historical issues. In this text, by a thought of putting forward the problems existing in the current financial statements, analyzing the reasons for the problems, and thinking solutions of the problems, to perfect the financial statements on the current environment.

   To sum up: Due to environmental factors, the current financial statements flawed, and to solve the problem by analyzing the defect of reasons. The major research in this article is the problems that exist in the current financial statements and awaking of the critical importance of the financial statements with the times. 

Keywords: financial statements; problems; countermeasures


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:本文对现行财务报表中存在的问题进行研究,将存在的问题进行完善,提高财务报表的质量。不仅要保障决策者的利益,而且要使财务报表充分地表现出企业的经营状况。本文主要以提......
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