
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-02
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Abstract:With the pace of internationalization getting faster and faster, the international logistics will enter the scope of business of many companies inevitably, but face of globalization competition in the market, the international logistics industry in China will face with the challenge of international competitiveness and the pressure of the crisis of survival, to enhance international competitiveness as an effective way for the international logistics industry to respond international competition. But Yunnan Province has an important position for build the Bridgehead in the southwest of China. The competitiveness of the international logistics industry hasfar-reaching implications .This article analyzed the strategic issues of internation l logistics , and make a strategic choice to enhance the competitiveness of international logistics industry of Yunnan Province .

   To analyze the status quo of international logistics analysis of Yunnan Province In this paper, combined with the development trend of international logistics, learned from the opinions and suggestions of experts and scholars in various fields, and analyzed the relevant data of  many related cities in Yunnan Province. So I have got the problems and deficiencies of the international logistics industry in Yunnan Province, and made a choice about international logistics strategic, and provided some recommendations to promote the development of international logistics for Yunnan  Province.

   There are five chapters In this paper, the first chapter is the introduction, include the question and the purpose and significance of research. The second chapter analyzed International logistics development in Yunnan Province. Chapter III analyzed the problem of international logistics strategy presently in Yunnan Province, and pointed out the existing problems of international logistics strategy in Yunnan Province. The fourth chapter based on the strategic choice of the competitive advantage in logistics , especially for the strategic issues of international logistics in Yunnan Province, to make a strategic choice to enhance international competitiveness Chapter V is a broad summary of this thesis.

Keywords: Yunnan province; international logistics; strategy


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:本文共有五个章节,第一章为绪论,内容为提出问题,指出研究的目的及意义,第二章分析云南省的国际物流发展现状,从国际物流业的现状分析,深入到中国的国际物流发展,进而分......
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