
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
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Abstract:As the rapid development of socialist market economy, talent competition become the main key factor to the development of society, the human resources management in the role of management is becoming more and more important. Employees incentive is an important content of human resources management in private enterprise. The stand or fall of using of the incentive mechanism in the enterprise make a large extent influence of  the development of the enterprise rise and decline , so how to motivate employees to work positivity and creativity, and urges the maximum potential, and become the a core problem of human resources management in contemporary enterprise. In recent years, the strengthening of private enterprise on the issue of staff motivation research, has made some achievements, however, because of their late start, the private enterprise of employee motivation there are still some shortage, mainly displays in: Lack of scientific and effective compensation system

, Talent management consciousness of backwardness and lack of management theory, behind the lack of enterprise culture construction and so on so. Therefore Only through improving the performance-based incentive compensation programmes ,strengthen management consciousness of cultural theory, construction and management of competitive enterprises, so as to really solve the problem of private enterprise employee motivation in, ultimately increasing the operational efficiency of private enterprises.

Keywords: Private enterprise; Incentives; Salary; Welfare; Enterprise culture


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:近年来,民营企业不断加强对员工激励问题的探索研究,取得了一些成就,然而,由于起步晚,民营企业的员工激励还存在着不足,主要表现在:缺乏科学有效的薪酬制度、人才管理意......
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