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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-08-01
需要金币1000 个金币 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 下载论文
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Abstract:Being in a transitional period, Rural Migrant Workers Issues are the point of intersection of multiple social contractions in the current China. Changzhou as a rapidly developing city, more and more migrant workers are flowing into this city. That Solve the problem of rural migrant workers is conducive to stability and prosperity of the Changzhou. The ever-changing society, all sorts of pressure also will come. China, as a country in rapid development and transition period, more at an unprecedented impact of this pressure infinite zoom. This excessive pressure on rural migrant workers make them fatigue, anxious, inefficiency. And it also brings a serious impact on the physical and mental health. This is the so-called job burnout problems. 

    Along with the continuous development of Changzhou economic, class of rural migrant workers is increasingly becoming a necessary force to promote regional economic construction in Changzhou. The job burnout and turnover intention of rural migrant workers in Changzhou not only promising, but is imperative. This study takes 255 human resource managers as examples and takes the questionnaire to research, and using the SPSS software for data analysis, helps to provide the relationship between burnout and separation of the tendency of Changzhou rural migrant workers with the original data. At last, according to these results author puts forward some suggestions to reduce job burnout in human resource management.

   After the analysis of this research can draw the conclusion of the rural migrant workers in Changzhou,we can find that the positive correlation between job burnout and turnover intention of the migrant workers, that is, the more serious burnout , the more serious turnover intention.

   This study extends the range of burnout, explore the relationship between burnout and turnover intention of "rural migrant workers" with the characteristics. This thesis carried on the reason analysis to empirical result, in order to provide some support for future research.

Keywords: Changzhou; rural migrant workers; job burnout; turnover intention 


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:并利用SPSS软件进行数据分析,有助于提供常州市农民工职业倦怠和离职倾向关系的原始数据,并在此基础上探讨和缓解职业倦怠的对策等一系列问题。经过本研究的分析论证可得常州市......
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