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资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:Due to the worldwide economic crisis, management deficiencies in private enterprises of this country have undoubtedly exposed. So it may be a good way to alleviate their immediate difficulties that recruiting women into the executive team. However there are some unfavorable factors, such as the immature traditional concept, the imperfections of the relevant policies and regulations, and unscientific of recruitment means, all of these cause a certain difficulty when women take part in the executive teams. In order to recruit more talented women into the private enterprises senior management team, the nation, private enterprises itself and female managers need to make certain efforts, so that it will promote the further development of China's private enterprises and make contributions to the development of China's economic. Countries, private enterprises and female managers, need to make some efforts. The country should further implement the basic national policy of gender equality and improve the implementation of laws and regulations to protect the rights of women, in addition, we should provide a better social environment for professional women in their career life. Private enterprises are ought to face up the Inadequacies in their development, combined with the situation of practical problems, and change the management model and recruitment means to provide the proper ascending channel for professional women. Female managers are supposed to focus on coordinating the conflict between job and family, and improve their management knowledge and skills at the same time .in this way, they will create a more mature manner for further development in their career.

Key words: Private enterprises;Senior management;Women;Recruitment.


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:民营企业要正视自身发展的不足,结合企业实际,改革管理模式和招聘手段,为职业女性提供合适的上升渠道。而女性管理人员则要在提高管理知识和技能的同时,注重协调好事业与家......
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