
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-10
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Abstract:With the rapid development of electronic commerce brings the business field of a revolution, it not only makes the traditional trade in the way completely change; At the same time, the network and economic closely also drove the market marketing into a new stage of development, the network marketing era. And in the rapid economic development at the same time, people were beginning to pay more and more attention to culture, especially the national culture promotion and propaganda, and can speak our country's long pass national culture has been. So, how to drive the network economy and national culture synchronous development of became people scrambling to explore the field.

   This paper will take the xinjiang nationality culture, for example, combined with the characteristics of taobao shop and the traditional network marketing and promotion concept, combined with the national culture feature of marketing new ideas, so as to develop a taobao shop of national culture based on marketing planning. In order to achieve in the national culture in search for market opportunity, in a market economy set up the national culture of the target position.

Key Words: Shop, National Culture, Marketing, Planning





上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本营销策划通过对新疆民族文化产品进行特色营销策划,即围绕民族特色做营销,以民族传统节日为主做促销策划,并有效地将其实施到现实的网店经营中,取得了良好的响应和经济效......
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