
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-10
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摘要:包车贵、出行难已对学生回家造成极大的不便和困扰,为营造良好的包车环境,保障学生坐车安全,满足广州地区在校学生寒暑假回家的市场需求,广州大学生包车网应运而生。本文通过采用随机抽样与分层抽样相结合的方法,以问卷星为平台结合增城学院现行包车现状,从被访者的基本情况、对包车的需求程度和被访者对学校包车服务的意见和建议三大部分展开提问,阐述了学生对包车的需求,论证了推出网上订票实现包车价格透明化、系统化的成熟度,学生网上订票的可行性、得出可行对策和建议,并根据市场调查报告进一步规划网站功能,其中除了基本的订票系统外,还增设了综合服务模块(包括活动报名模块、景点路线图模块、天气预报模块 、GPRS定位模、排行版模块),以满足广大在校学生需求,服务大众。



Abstract:Student groups, is relatively easy to accept new things with the continuous development and popularization of e-commerce, fast and convenient online ordering students to package tickets has become a trend basis launch of the "line college friendship" line chartered modeon friendship chartered to create a better travel environment, students in the Guangzhou region. This paper uses a combination of random sampling and stratified sampling, questionnaire stars as a platform combined with the existing chartered status quo of the Zengcheng College, from the respondents, the need and the respondents of the charter school charter services and recommendations of the three most of the questions commence understanding to launch an online booking charter price transparency, a systematic maturity, from the data analysis of the feasibility of student Internet booking, feasible countermeasures and suggestions, hopes to ease the Guangzhou area students in cold the summer home is often faced with difficult, chartered and chartered your travel problems, preliminary work to prepare for their own businesses.

Key Words:Travel difficulties ,Booking Tickets Online,student,solutions




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:阐述了学生对包车的需求,论证了推出网上订票实现包车价格透明化、系统化的成熟度,学生网上订票的可行性、得出可行对策和建议,并根据市场调查报告进一步规划网站功能,其中......
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