
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-12
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Abstract:Tour guides once are regarded as the most representative employees. However, with the development of the domestic tourism industry, as for the tourists, the image of these tour guides becomes worse and worse. And the main cause might be attributed to the unreasonable tour guide salary system. In light of this, since tour guides can not ensure their rational income, they have to attempt to earn money from other aspects, considered as “grey income”, which as a result has a negative effect on the legitimate rights of the tourists, along with their moods. Worse still, there would be an erosion of trust in the tour guides, which badly influences the tourism initiative. And thus, the development of domestic tourism industry is hindered. By this token, the research of the key problems existing in the domestic tourism industry and relevant countermeasures play a distinctly important role on the development of tourism industry. 

Key Words:Tour guides;Salary system;Reform;Countermeasure




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:为此,创造良好的环境,推进导游职业终身化,完善导游晋级制度,增强导游人员从事导游职业的内在动力和持续性尤为重要。同时,积极尝试和建立导游的社会保险体系,使导游人员......
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