
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-16
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Abstract:Property management industry in China after 20 years of development, made great progress and significant achievements, but there are still a lot of problems, such as property management property management companies and owners of frequent disputes, Low customer satisfaction, malign competition between fellow professionals and so on. Customer relationship management can help property management companies to establish the "customer-centric" business strategy in order to achieve customer service-centric transformation; can effectively cultivate customer loyalty and achieve customer retention and management of customer lifetime value. 

   In this paper, the characteristics of the property management industry analysis and research, customer relationship management theories to the big ring the property status of the company customer relationship management analysis to identify affecting the level of customer service issues for the company to develop a reasonable customer relationship management to improve measures to improve customer satisfaction, the owners and users to achieve the company's loyalty and enhance the value of the company's services, and customer service through word of mouth effect and diffusion effect, the company for more long-term profit gains. I hope this study for a large part of property management companies to introduce scientific methods and management direction, so as to enhance the company's core competitiveness, the development of enterprise's brand. 

Keywords:  Property Management; CRM; Countermeasures





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文运用相关的客户关系管理理论对大环物业公司的客户关系现状进行了深入的分析、研究,得出公司应实施系统的客户关系管理的经营策略。实施客户关系管理的具体方法是全面的客......
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