
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-16
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Abstract:The enterprise can not develop without the strategy guide. Business to healthy growth and development is the last word, strategy is the key. The total business strategy development, business growth during each of its external environment should be adapted to develop a series of sub-strategic objectives, and consistent with the overall strategy, enterprises can have steps in a planned, orderly development. At the same time in the implementation of the strategy process, to strengthen the sensitivity of the external environment, in the regulation loop, we should always pay attention to changes in environmental factors, and constantly adjusting and improving their strategies to strengthen the management of the firm's strategy to enhance the flexibility of corporate strategy and controllability,Get rid of all the factors inhibiting business growth, encourage enterprises to enter a new round of enhanced loop, promote enterprise development in depth. 

   Based on the Broadcom Elevator Company's research analysts to identify the company's corporate strategy development issues, which the company after the strategy formulation will provide some help and advice to the company's future operations and development can be smoothly carried out.

Keywords:botongcompany Strategy development  Enterprise environment   Strategy




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文通过对博通电梯公司的研究分析,找出该公司在企业战略制定方面的问题,从而为该公司以后战略制定提供一定的帮助和建议,以便该公司在以后的经营和发展上能够顺利的进行。......
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