
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-18
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Abstract:Now, with the gradual standardization of the real estate market and increase consumer demand, China's real estate industry has entered a stage of rapid development. The competitive real estate market is no longer just a product and price-based, brand has become a real estate business to a new competitive weapon, real estate has entered the stage of brand competition. Brand building is the corporate occupation of towel market, increase market share for towels important means is the important guarantee for enterprises bigger and stronger. Based on the current situation of China's real estate demand and supply can be predicted that brand building will become a real estate business to establish an important means of long-term competitive advantage. In this paper, branding and marketing theories, combined with the actual day itself Sheng real estate research firm. SWOT analysis on the day with a real estate enterprise Cheng analyzed the strategic positioning of brand building, brand monitoring and maintenance, and brand advertising for many days, Sheng proposed development strategy real estate company

Keywords: Brand building; Real Estate of Tiansheng; Strategy






上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文阐述了品牌学及市场营销相关理论,用SWOT分析方法对天晟房地产企业进行了分析,最后从品牌建设的战略定位、品牌监控与维护、品牌传播等多方面提出适合天晟房地产公司发展的......
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