
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Along with the rapid economic development of our country, the income level of resident and consumption ability the enhancement, people on the quality of life and outside of the services they provide level requirements also is increasing day by day. In other words the customer for their own value required for ascension a high quality social services feedback. The hotel as a guest of dealing with everywhere intensive, detail management is more important. And in this article through to the hotel details, details management, summarized the concept, etc, this paper analyzes the background of the detail management and details of modern management of the hotel management meaning; Elaborated the modern hotel operators in the service should be pay attention to during the detail management standards and content; At the same time, to the customer value on the reasonable and deep ponder the psychological analysis, in addition, the list of the department of service of the phenomenon, and combined with details on cases, finally, based on the customer value of the hotel industry in the application of detail management and the cause of the problem put forward rational Suggestions. To create and transfer excellent customer value, win the customer loyalty, increase the enterprise competitiveness.

Key Words:Customer value;Details management;Oriental Resort




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:分析了细节管理产生的背景以及细节管理对现代酒店管理的意义;阐述了现代酒店经营者在服务客人过程中应注意的细节管理的标准和内容;并结合细节案例进行评点,最后,就基于顾......
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