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    金融业在国家的发展中起着重要的作用。一个国家必须有一个强大的银行业以维持经济的持续发展。肯尼亚银行业经历了几次挑战。政府实施了几项改革,以增强本部门的增长和竞争力。要实现金融稳定和增长,重要的是要确定金融部门的绩效决定因素。本文旨在调查Kenya`s六大商业银行的盈利能力在2008 - 2013年内部因素的影响,本文采用广义最小二乘法估计银行资产、资金的影响,贷款,存款对银行资产质量和盈利能力。本文用资产回报率(ROA)作为衡量盈利能力。调查结果显示,银行规模、资本实力、经营权、经营费用、多元化经营等对六大商业银行盈利能力有显著影响。结果表明,肯尼亚政府应制定政策,鼓励商业银行提高其资产和资本基础,这将提高该部门的表现。这项研究的另一个含义是,商业银行需要投资于技术和管理技能,最大限度地降低运营成本,因为这将会对他们的成长和生存产生积极影响。



外文原文(字符数 29444):

The Analysis of Profitability of Kenya`s Top Six Commercial Banks:          Internal Factor Analysis

Susan Moraa Onuonga, PhD

Kenyatta University

School of Economics

Nairobi, Kenya


The financial sector plays an important role in the development of the country. For sustainable economic growth, a country must have a strong banking sector. The Kenyan banking sector has experienced several challenges over time. The government has implemented several reforms to enhance growth and competition in this sector. To achieve financial stability and growth, it is important to identify the determinants of performance of the financial sector. This paper aimed at investigating the impact of the internal determinants of profitability of Kenya`s top six commercial banks over the period 2008-2013, This paper used generalized least squares method to estimate the impact of bank assets, capital, loans, deposits and assets quality on banks profitability. This paper used return on assets (ROA) as a measure of profitability. The findings revealed that bank size, capital strength, ownership, operations expenses, diversification do significantly influence profitability of the top six commercial banks. The result suggests that the Kenyan Government should set policies that encourage commercial banks to raise their assets and capital base as this will enhance the performance of the sector. Another implication of the study is that commercial banks need to invest in technologies and management skills which minimize costs of operations as this will impact positively on their growth and survival.

Keywords: Bank profitability, internal factors, return on assets, Generalized Least Squares method, Kenya

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述: 银行营业外支出减少显著银行利润。这表明,有可能对这些商业银行通过将更多的精力放在适当的成本控制和运营效率,以增加利润。这可以通过银行产品和服务中发现银行资源的最佳......
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