
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-20
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关键词:在线团购 营销模式 监督和管理系统 网络安全


外文原文(字符数 23168):

外文出处:The 2nd International Conference on Education, Management and Social Science(ICEMSS 2014)      

Issues and Countermeasures of Online Group-Purchasing in China

LIAO Gen-Wei

Abstract:With the rapid development of online group-purchasing in China, thousands of group-purchasing websites have established in recent years. It brings huge convenience for people’s daily life. However, the emerging issues and problems that the ratio of closured group-purchasing website to the opening is high, the number of the disputes relevant to group-purchasing is increasing, and the privacy of consumers is difficult to protect for, hinder the development of online group-purchasing. The unclear marketing model, the indifference to internet security, the blocked channels of remedies for breach of contract, and the imperfect supervising and management system, may be the reasons behind that. In order to develop and improve the online group-purchasing, the confidence of customers to online group-purchasing should be fostered, the marketing model of online group-purchasing should be innovated, the laws and regulations related to online group-purchasing should be perfected, and the security technologies about online group-purchasing should be improved. 

Keywords:online group-purchasing, marketing model, supervising and management system, internet security

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:日常生活中在线团购尝试带来巨大方便,但新的问题和阻碍其发展正在出现。首先,合拢集团采购网站开放比高。它是容易建立一个网站的在线集团购买,只是通过租用一台计算机服务......
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