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外文出处 Review of Accounting Studies, 2006, Vol.11 (2), pp.159-189

Over-investment of free cash flow

This paper examines firm investing decisions in the presence of free cash flow. In theory, firm level investment should not be related to internally generated cash flows (Modigliani & Miller, 1958). However, prior research has documented a positive relation between investment expenditure and cash flow (e.g., Hubbard, 1998). There are two interpretations for this positive relation. First, the positive relation is a manifestation of an agency problem, where managers in firms with free cash flow engage in wasteful expenditure (e.g.,Jensen 1986; Stulz 1990). When managers’ objectives differ from those of shareholders, the presence of internally generated cash flow in excess of that required to maintain existing assets in place and finance new positive NPV projects creates the potential for those funds to be squandered. Second, the positive relation reflects capital market imperfections, where costly external financing creates the potential for internally generated cash flows to expand the feasible investment opportunity set (e.g., Fazzari, Hubbard, & Petersen,1988; Hubbard, 1998).

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:本文重点介绍利用会计信息更好地衡量自由现金流量和过度投资,从而允许对代理理论解释坚定的投资水平与内部自由现金流量有关联的原因做了更强大的测试。这样做,本文是第一个......
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