
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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外文出处 Journal of Accounting Education.Pages 71-72.

Accounts Receivable

Introduction :Accounts receivable consists of monies due from customers as a result of an organization's normal business operations. The management of accounts receivable is an extremely important function since the collection of outstanding receivables represents the single most important source of cash for all organizations selling goods on open account. Because of the impact that accounts-receivable collections have on cash flow, it is important that responsibility for the day-to-day management of credit and collections activities be delegated to a single individual within the organization. 

Accounts Receivable as a Current Asset 

On the balance sheet, accounts receivable is reported as a current asset and is considered part of an organization's working capital. As a current asset, accounts receivable is expected to be turned into cash within the annual operating cycle of a business, which for most businesses is generally considered to be one year and corresponds to the twelve-month fiscal year used for financial reporting purposes. This, however, does not imply that it should take one year to collect individual receivable balances. 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:由于应收账款的意义,定期的报告对管理来说是很重要的,同时也是衡量应收账款回收成效的指标,与此同时通知或警报账款管理的问题。理想情况下,通常报告应按月报告,但这依靠......
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