
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:溪老师 更新时间:2020-11-01
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Business Practice of International Accounting Standardization


The goal of this study is to describe and summarize how the accounting standards can promote managerial decisions and influence business environment. The unified, standardized accounting information system will lead to new types of analysis and data, furthermore with the possible integration of new indicators from the business management of certain countries. In this research paper the author try to sign and evaluate the differences between national accounting rules and international standards, then the valuing and analyzing their effects on business decisions, management performance and economic environment in Hungary. Financial data are from published financial statements and Hungarian Business Information database. My sample comprises 65 international standards adopting and 260 local accounting rules user firms. The results of applied regression model support that the greater demand for more informative and conservative accounting earnings due to performance evaluations at more widely held by businesses stimulating to adopt international accounting standards. Businesses with lower labour productivity compared to their industry peers have greater incentives to follow accounting standardization.

Key words: Business practice; Accounting standards; Standardization process; Management performances; Comparable research; Hungary

上传会员 溪老师 对本文的描述:会计制度差异问题甚至金融分析师专门从事收集、测量和传播商业信息覆盖公司表明,潜在的经济成本,与各国国家规定的变化有关。除了这对管理者和研究人员是非常重要的任务估值和分......
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