
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-22
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译文(字数 4509):


摘  要


关键词: 核心竞争力,持续竞争优势,无形资产,





外文原文(字符数 16323):

Core Competence for Sustainable Competitive Advantage 


The concept of core competence refers to the possibility of an organization to build permanent and sustainable competitive advantage in todays ever-changing and unpredictable environment. To achieve long-term success, it is better to find the source of its competitiveness within the company, because the only stable certainty in a constantly changing environment is the internal capacity stemming from a desire to be successful in the future. This paper responds to current issues related to building and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. 

Keywords: Core Competence, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Intangible Assets,       Intellectual Capital

Main Conference Topic: Technology and innovation management 


Organizations must learn to manage future opportunities as well as they must be able to manage existing ones. In the environment of the 21st century, companies have to compete within a complex and challenging context created by many factors - from globalization, technological development and the rapid dissemination of new technologies, to the development and exploitation of knowledge. This new environment requires from the organizations to do things differently as they have used to. They must find new sources of competitive advantage and engage in new forms of competition. This requires a clear understanding of the nature of the competition, as well as the competitive dynamics (Huľvej, 2008) .The utilization of resources is being shifted from current capital strategic resources to strategic resources in the form of information, knowledge, creative thinking and innovation. Skills and knowledge belong to critical factors of production. Companies can gain competitive advantage by implementing continual and on-going innovations and the managerial skills and knowledge are in the center of the process of innovations (Papulová, Mokroš, 2007). 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:在对公司资源的分类方面,我们可以考虑有形资源和无形资源的基本分解(图1)。有形资产或具有实物形态的资产,包括金融资产、固定资产,如机械、建筑、土地和流动资产,如存货......
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