
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-05
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ABSTRACT:Industry engineering is a synoptic science, and popularly used in all fields. With the rapid development of world economy and science and technology innovation, enterprises are facing increasingly severe test. How to reduce production costs and improve production efficiency have become critical issues to enterprises. Through IE method ,we will reduce waste and cost, improve productivity, and create the greatest wealth for enterprises.

   At first, the article describes the industrial engineering research status at home and abroad and the definition, major research areas, status, role, characteristics and application of industrial engineering.

   Secondly, this article introduces the industrial engineering method actualizing in Bosch Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Firstly, it has a simple introduction of Bosch Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Then, using the production of the vehicle steering control system (LWS) as an example, it analyses the manufacturing status of Bosch Automotive Parts Co., Ltd from aspects of personnel arrangement and the equipment. Find out the reason that the production efficiency of Bosch Automotive Parts Co., Ltd is not high, and then put forward the improvement direction. 

   Thirdly, uses IE method to improve productivity. Terms of personnel, reducing labor inputs in order to reduce labor costs; machine, using OEE method to reduce the six loss of the equipment when it was used and to improve the efficiency of the machine to increase output.

   At last, make a summary for improvement in Bosch Automotive Parts Co., Ltd with IE, and put forward the successful experience of IE implementation.

KEY WORDS: IE; OEE; Low cost; High efficiency










上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:由于现阶段我国制造业的整体水平还比较低,生产效率相对于发达国家来讲要低很多,所以工业工程在我国有非常广阔的应用空间和前景。许多专家认为,我国有很多企业,只需能在人......
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