
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-05
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ABSTRACT:Since the reform and opening up, especially in this century, China’s economic is in rapid development. With the continuous development of economic, China's dairy industry is from small to large and from weak to strong. Dairy products become household necessities. But with the rapid development of dairy industry, the quality problems of China's dairy products occurred frequently, and the safety situation of dairy products is not optimistic. I research from the point of view of the dairy supply chain in this paper. Through the survey I found that public regulation in the dairy supply chain, especially raw milk acquisition regulatory failure. Using game theory, this article study analyze the game between dairy products and dairy farmers within the supply chain of dairy .And I try to seek a win-win situation of that how dairy product and dairy farmers. Comparison of public regulation and private regulation, I try to identify the advantages of private regulatory supervision in the dairy supply chain. Through Private regulation in the dairy supply chain, the core enterprise can reduce the cost of information with quality intervention on the production process of the upstream and downstream in supply chain. The core enterprise can reduce The behavior of the strategies from the supply chain members through the coordination of interests and cost-sharing with the dairy upstream manufacturers. It is benefit for the core company to make policy be sustainable and stable, because the high-quality dairy products can make the return to private regulatory incentives. At last, in order to make the most of private regulation, there must be certain conditions: The core company in dairy supply chain must be ordination and cost sharing; policy support environment; we also need to clear the boundary of public regulation and private regulation of the dairy supply chain.

Keywords: dairy; supply chain; private regulation; public regulation




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本文从乳制品供应链的规制方式出发,通过对现有的质量规制方式的思考,同时结合我国乳制品行业的典型案例,对比政府的强制性的公共规制和乳制品供应链的私人规制的效果,发现......
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