
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-05
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ABSTRACT:With the development of economy, the management of production has become more and more meticulous, JIT production mode of manufacturing enterprises in the world is becoming more and more widely applied,advanced foreign enterprises and domestic enterprises have been using the new JIT inventory control to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of enterprises。But many of the domestic manufacturing enterprises or original stock production model, especially small and medium enterprises is even more evident,due to the existence of a large number of inventory accounted for the large flow of funds, restricting the development of enterprises, while also increasing the cost of inventory, reducing the efficiency.Therefore, the stock selection research for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a very real sense.

   Firstly, background, purpose and meaning are described,JIT operating characteristics of the operating plan characteristics as well as a tool to achieve understanding and analysis.And uncertainty in determining the conditions under JIT inventory strategy mode selection gives advice.Highlights several classic inventory model,Combination and selection of timely production systems in small and medium-sized enterprises in the implementation of MRP and JIT production, inventory control solutions to adapt to the actual situation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Key Words: JIT; Inventory Control; Pull system; Kanban management







上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本文在分析了准时生产的作业过程后,重点研究了库存控制的模型系统,尤其是确定和不确定JIT条件下的库存控制,然后就现实条件下如何进行库存管理给出了联合库存管理的机制,使......
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