
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-09
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Abstract:Long-term since, automobile industry developed countries to automobile noise control problem given attention, automobile noise control level will be decided to the success of the development model of an important factor. Accumulated relatively rich theory and technology research and problem solving practical engineering experience. However, due to the complexity of the problems in this field, there still exist a lot of theory and technology, including many worldwide problem, this means that the relative to other direction, automotive technology in the field of automobile noise control, has formed by developed countries technology monopoly pattern. Domestic automobile industry should take full advantage of this opportunity, on track, learn foreign advanced technology to form late-developing advantages, through the independent innovation, strive to obtain certain aspects in the short term, thus promote the noise control technology of integral great-leap-forward development.

   This design is expounded the overall design, exhaust system is designed according to the main contents of the muffler design, selection of the purifier, the sizes of the exhaust system

   Graduation design in numerous questions but I chose the exhaust system design, because I think the trend of environmental protection is a modern and exhaust system is related to environmental earnestly. This paper expounds the design luxury-class passenger cars exhaust system to process, introduces emphatically the muffler design

Keywords:Automobile noise, exhaust systems, muffler

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:通过本次毕业设计,使得我对很多书本上的知识有了更深一层的了解,让我学 会了如何将理论知识与实践结合起来,对马上要踏入社会的我来说,这无疑是一次 难得的经验。在今后的日......
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