
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-04
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摘 要:本毕业设计是根据国内外电弧炉炼钢技术现状来设计的,主要任务是设计一个年产120万吨的现代电炉炼钢车间。该厂以电炉炼钢车间为基础,设定两座85t电弧炉、钢包炉和VD炉、合金料添加系统,直接与连铸机连接,以及各种公、辅设施,包括烟气处理设备和自动化系统。




ABSTRACT:The graduation design is basis of recent status and development of electric arc furnace steelmaking technology at home and abroad,and its main task is design an electric steel meltshop with an annual synthesis productivity of 1.2 million tons steel.The Steel-making Plant is based on electric steel meltshop with two 85-t EAF and LF, VDconverter, alloy addition system, conticaster, plus auxiliary services including fume treatment plant and automation system.

  Plant,s Metal Balancing,Material Balance and Thermal Malance in metallurgical industry have been described in the paper, structure of furnace design and design details of the technical reform project such as:design mission,annual production program,technology analysis,design calculation of main equipment and general layout of the shop,ete, are also emphatically introduced.   

Keywords: Steelsmelting ;Electric furnace ;Design

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:普通碳素结构钢-普板是一种钢材的材质。Q代表的是这种材质的屈服,后面的235,就是指这种材质的屈服值,在235左右。并会随着材质的厚度的增加而使其屈服值减......
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