CC50-8.82 1.275 0.118型机组热电厂热力系统设计.rar

资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-03
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Abstract:The electric power industry is the basic industries of national economy development, the electric power industry level of development and electrical energy supply quantity and the quality are the weight industry, agricultural, the national defense and the technical modernization level important standard.

This design takes the power plant security, the economical movement as a goal, uses the matter balance and the energy balance computational method, proposed in view of the CC50—8.82/1.275/0.118 heating units five kinds of principled thermodynamic system numerical procedure, through each kind of plan in the different time thermal power plant main hot economic indicator's comparison, chooses the good plan.

The first design include two-grade expanding volume apparatuses,two high-pressure heating apparatuses,three low-pressure heating apparatuses and two apparatus which removes gas such as oxygen carbon-dioxide in the apparatus,stream interring HD is from pump and stream exhaled from MD is to H4.

Comparing with the first project,in the second project used one grade expanding-volume apparatus.So the money can be saved.For the same reason,the third project use one-apparatus which can remove gas from itself(MD).In the forth project adopts that the water fluidizes from the first apparatus to the fifth apparatus one by one so the capital investment.

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:本设计为CC50—8.82/1.275/0.118型机组热电厂设计,限于各种制约因素,本次设计最后引进原则性热力系统优化原则时,只从热经济性方面进行考虑,而忽略环境保护等方面的内容......
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