
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-08
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关键词:超高功率电弧炉;炼钢 ;VOD精炼炉;连铸


ABSTRACT:In this paper, design an annual output of 2 million tons of qualified stainless steel electric arc furnace steelmaking workshop. Design with new technology, high efficiency as the principle, fully embodies the characteristics of advanced, flexible and multifunctional, with sustainable development.

   This design through the material balance and heat balance calculation of electric arc furnace steelmaking furnace, ultra-high power electric furnace type design, process design, choice of continuous casting equipment, workshop and workshop layout, identified the two 150 tons of ultra high power electric arc furnace, a VOD refining furnace, a continuous casting machine as the main production equipment. Choose the advanced and have greater room for development of short process technology: scrap steel to ultra high power electric arc furnace, AOD furnace refining and continuous casting.

Keywords:  ultra high power electric arc furnace; steelmaking;VOD refining furnace;continuous casting

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:炼钢电弧炉按其吨钢平均变压器额定容量,或单位炉膛面积平均变压器额定容量分为普通功率(RP)、高功率(HP)和超高功率(UHP)三种。超高功率电弧炉概念自70年代提出,目标在于极大地提高......
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