
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-31
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关键词:物料衡算 甲苯 邻二甲苯 热量衡算 精馏


Abstract:The design is based on an annual output of 40,000 tons for the production of crude benzol with using column distillation to do the whole process design and equipment selections.And we make the target:we will get the benzene 99.50%,and the O-xylene  is 99%.Based on the design requirements of the entire process of the material balance and energy balance.According to the laws of thermodynamics,right Distillation tower of the heat balance.Through on the driver,and seek the theory of plate numbers(11and13),the actual plate number(22and25) and the minimum reflux ratio(1and2.9).And based on the design requirements of Distillation Tower is high to the tower path,tower condenser and reboiler bottom,theoretical calculation of the size and choice.Respectively distillation of the right,stripper of the check.As far as possible to meet the design requirements to achieve the required conditions.In theory with practical spirit.In this paper,the whole production process and conduct workshops on economic and technical analysis,which includes parts of the material,feed with the choice of economic evaluation,equipment and speculative investment payback period calculations.

Keywords:material balance,benzene,O-xylene,energy balance,Distillatio


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:本着理论联系实际的精神。本文对整个工艺流程及车间生产进行了经济技术分析,其中包各部件的材质、用材量的选择的经济评价、设备投资及投资回收期的计算。......
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