
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:The main task of the project is to complete converter steelmaking workshop with the annual production capacity of 3 million tons. On the basis of selecting the annual production capacity of the converter steelmaking workshop as 3 million tons, the author began calculating from the basic material and heat balance. The content of the design mainly includes the selection of converter capacity, the calculation of production capacity, the calculation of the dimension of the converter furnace, the calculation of the dimension of the oxygen lance, and also workshop composition and layout. And finally, the author finish designing the furnace steelmaking process arrangement of the plant, the converter steelmaking workshop cross-sectional chart and converter type figure by AutoCAD.



上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:设计的内容主要包括转炉炉容选择、生产能力计算,转炉炉型尺寸计算、氧枪尺寸计算、车间组成和平面布置。最后用AutoCAD绘制出转炉炼钢车间的工艺布置图、转炉炼钢车间横断面图和......
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