
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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ABSTRACT:The design is based on the" Yunnan tin chloride" processing refractory lean ore, pyrometallurgical process the dust precipitation, using sodium chloride solution leaching, get the lead chloride and tin concentrate. According to the given process, and requirements of the production process, calculated for each of the required amount, derived from the process of material balance and water balance, according to the calculated each process a number of species, selection of equipment, and the main equipment -- stirring washing tank, cooling crystallization equipment design, to meet production requirements to the purpose.

   Design is the main equipment, workshop equipment, to meet production requirements. The design process as far as possible the use of new technologies, and strive to design more reasonable, convenient operation, as the workshop will obtain good economic benefits to lay the foundation.

Keywords: Design of dust precipitation; workshop


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:按照给定的工艺路线,及要求的年产量,计算出每个工序所需的量,推导出工艺流程的物料平衡和水系平衡,根据计算出的每个工序的物种数量,选择设备,并对主体设备——搅拌洗涤......
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