
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-10
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Abstract:This paper researched the microencapsulation of ammonium polyphosphate(APP) with a polyurethane shell and its application on polypropylene(PP). Using of theic and a mixture of diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI) prepare the microencapsule of APP by solution polymerization on the surface of APP.MCAPP was then incorporated into PP. The properties of the product were studied by using the fourier transform infrared(FT-IR), thermo gravimetric analysis(TGA),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and cone calorimeter(CONE).The characteristic peaks of polyurethane appeared obviously. The water solubility of MCAPP decreased 68.1%. The product of the T-5wt% is 291.5℃,And MCAPP can enhance its thermal stability and compatibility of PP/MCAPP. The limiting oxygen index(LOI)values of the PP/MCAPP composites can reach 33. The composites’ HRR and THR decreased 70% and17.7%. Compared to APP, MCAPP possesses better flame retardancy and thermal stability, and the compatibility and tensile strength are improved.

Key words:Ammonium Polyphosphate;Theic;Microcapsule;water solubility;compatibility


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文研究了聚氨酯(PU)微囊化聚磷酸铵(APP)膨胀型阻燃剂的制备及其在聚丙烯(PP)材料中的应用。使用一种异氰酸酯混合物(PMDI),与赛克(THEIC)在APP表面进行溶液聚合反应......
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