
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-10
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Abstract:A series of PLA composites material were prepared by mixer melt blending. The calcium carbonate, talcum (Ta) and KH-550 modification of Ta were used as filling. The mechanical properties, the microscopic structure of the cross section, heat resistance and crystallization properties of PLA/inorganic particle composites were respectively studied. The results showed that the tensile strength of the composites reduced with inorganic particle. Compared with CaCO3 and Ta, Ta/KH-550 in PLA matrix was dispersed more uniform. The heat resistance and crystallization properties of PLA were increasing with the increase of inorganic particle. SEM results showed that the dispersion of Ta in the PLA matrix was effectively improved by KH-550 modified Ta, at the same time the interface affinity of the talc and the PLA matrix were improved, thus the compatibility of them were improved.

Key words: Poly lactic acid (PLA); Calcium carbonate; Talcum (Ta); KH-550; Melt blending


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:扫面电镜分析表明用KH-550改性滑石粉可以有效改善滑石粉在PLA基体中的分散,并提高了滑石粉与PLA基体的界面亲和力,从而改善两者的相容性。......
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