
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-06
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Abstract: Sewage Treatment disposal project of computer measuring and control technology system main sewage treatment works, the use of computer monitoring and control technologies, collecting data such as water level, temperature, PH value, flux and so on, master station exchange data with each station through Obtain_AU software of PC, and control MOTO with control unit.This system uses points of distributed. Each station connected to master station by wire communication module. and wire communication using the main line standard of RS_485 or CAN. And then wireless communication realize by including RS_232 interface operate module or GSM/GPRS module.

   The main characteristic of this system is that embedded system replaces the tradition industry control equipments of PLC and industry control board and the other is that uses measuring and control software obtain AU which owning the intellectual property rights by Mr liao who invented to replace normal configuration software.

   In this paper the system’s features and design aspects of programs introduced and flow sheet of each software module. Sample analysis the main point the difficulty and the realization of the system . 

Keywords: Sewage disposal;Computer Measuring & Control  ;ARM;FPGA




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:监控系统是指将厂站中的实时数据通过变送器变为电信号,在通过板卡或传感器采集,经过数字处理,转变为计算机可以处理的数字信号,在上位机处理后实时的显示出来,或通过这些......
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