
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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Abstract: In the measurement of noise in the process, often need to obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of monitoring points for noise pollution in the air diffusion for accurate monitoring. The traditional methods are difficult to achieve accurate, visual effects, and the GIS technology can solve the above problems. This paper taking Nanjing xiaozhuang university as an example, developed based on the GIS technique of regional noise environmental impact assessment scheme, the design using GIS spatial analysis function ,in Nanjing Xiao zhuang cloth within the corresponding monitoring point, by measuring the results to understand the school’s noise pollution status and which monitoring of noise environmental impact the most serious. The results showed that: Nanjing Xiao zhuang University circadian equivalent continuous A levels ( Leq) mean values for 55.13dB, The campus environment has little effect on Teaching,The night 47.71dB,Higher than the national standard,,Mainly affected by surrounding by the campus rode traffic noise and the noise impact of service area.

Keywords: Application of GIS;  Regional noise; Environmental impact assessment

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:基于GIS技术在学校内布好网格点,测量和计算相应点位的等效连续A声级,通过测定的值了解学校噪声污染状况以及哪一块的噪声影响最大。针对学校环境噪声污染空间分布特征,制定避......
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