
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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关键词:秦淮河江宁段; 水环境容量; 水环境容量模型


Abstract:It is very significant that conducting studies on water environmental capacity in order to coordinateregional socio-economic development with water resources and water environment relations and realize the regional sustainable development. With the rapid economic development , the contradiction between the Nanjing water environment pollution and water environmental capacity is very conspicuous. By researching the water environmental capacity and understanding the present situation of the water environmental capacity in Jiangning section of the Qinhuai River in Nanjing.We can achieve the optimal allocation of the water environment capacity resources of Jiangning district in this paper, we calculate and analyze its water environmental capacity by combining the hydrological characteristics , water state of the environment with the method of calculating the water environmental capacity, and then a basis for controlling the regional water pollution programs is provided.

Key words:Jiangning Section of the Qinhuai River; Water environmental capacity; the model of water environmental capacity

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本文选取的水环境容量概念是:给定水域范围、给定水质标准、给定设计条件下水域的最大容许纳污量,建立在水质,目标和水体稀释与自净规律的基础之上由自净容量和稀释容量两部......
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