
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-12
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Abstract:The impact of human activities on soil is more and more serious, especially on heavy metal pollution. Lead and its compounds are toxic and will cause soil pollution. It is one of the heavy metal elements which have great impaction on plants and animals. Through combining experimental determination with field survey, this paper studied soils and vegetables in seven towns of the suburbs of Changzhou,the results show that: Lead concentrations in different soil depth is different,and the lead content is gradually reduced with increasing depth of soil; the enrichment of lead concentration is different for different kinds of vegetable and different parts of vegetable. there is a certain correlation between the concentration of lead in vegetables and soil. According to the relevant national standards, lead pollution in surface layer (0 ~ 15cm) of soils and edible parts of vegetables are evaluated by using single-factor pollution index, the results show that: except Niutang and Qianhuang, the other soil samples are light pollution; Except for carrots, garlic and cabbage, the vegetable samples show different levels of lead pollution. Surpassing degrees of some vegetables are large, and over standard rates are high.

Key words: Lead pollution; single factor pollution index; soil; vegetable; distribution characteristics

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:随着人口的增长、经济的发展,环境污染问题也日益凸显,环境污染不仅对大气和水体造成危害,而且污染土壤、并通过食物链危害人体健康。随着公众和政府对食品安全问题的日益重......
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